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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy New Year...With resolutions and all!!

So, like most people I have a few resolutions on my mind. However aside from the traditional resolutions, I am going to try my hand and setting a definitive budget, and tracking my spending a savings a wee bit (O.K...crazy bit) more closely that I have been.

My shopping budget and goals are as follows:

Grocery:                                                $ 80.00 a week (Remember that I have 6 people who live  in my house)

Paper and Household                $10.00 a week (Hopefully a lotta RR's and ECB's to  make this happen)

Miscellaneous Expense:           $ 10.00 a week (For whatever might come along)

$100.00 a week 
$400.00 a month
$4800.00 for the year 

is my total goal

YIKES! Kinda scary to look at that way, since in past years, $250.00 a week was not unheard of  in my house.

I got this Savings Tracker from a favorite site I frequent, and going to see if I can put it to use:

I have a very intense and busy life since I work 50 plus hours a week outside the home, and 4 sons, and my hubby started back at college last year. I am not planning on excuses for not posting this journey, however...totals may be the ONLY thing I have time to post.

My deal match-ups are not nearly as detailed and precise as some other bloggers who I KNOW I couldn't do this without. My favorite sites are:

That's all I have for now, gotta go shopping!

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